24 Jun 2021

आ. श्री गुणरत्नसूरीश्वरजी प्रथम पुण्य तिथि

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

४५१ दीक्षा दानेश्वरी प. पू. आ. भ. श्री गुणरत्नसूरीश्वर जी महाराजा की प्रथम पुण्य तिथि निमित्त गुरुगुण - गौरवगाथा अष्टाह्निका महोत्सव

11 Nov 2020


  • Posted By : Jainism Courses


03 Nov 2020

Jainism Course के प्रचारकों का बहुमान

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

जिन शिक्षकों और शिक्षिकाओं ने Jainism Course के प्रचार में सहयोग दिया उनका संस्था द्वारा बहुमान किया गया।

27 Oct 2020

Daily Quiz Winner

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses


23 Oct 2020

पूज्य साध्वीजी भगवंतों द्वारा Jainism Course का अध्ययन

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

अनेक साधु - साध्वीजी भगवंतों द्वारा Jainism Course का अध्ययन

23 Oct 2020

पूज्य साधु भगवंतों द्वारा Jainism Course का अध्ययन

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

अनेक साधु - साध्वी जी भगवंतों द्वारा Jainism Course का अध्ययन

12 Aug 2020


  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

Live telecast of Paryushan starts tomorrow.

12 Aug 2020

Paryushan (પર્યુષણ) Special Web Series

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

Jainism course presents YouTube & Facebook live sessions on occasion of Paryushan.

07 Aug 2020

Responses - Educators, Politicians & Dharma gurus

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

Jainism course website was launched on 24th June, 2020 with blessings of our Acharyas. We received responses from following sectors:

07 Aug 2020

Launch of Mobile application

  • Posted By : Jainism Courses

Shortly mobile application will be live. Know the features of app.